Minecraft Hosting

Host your Minecraft server with maximum performance using cutting-edge Ryzen 9 CPUs.

Minecraft Servers start at

$1per / GB

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The features you deserve

There are benefits to our hosting that you can see some of.

NVMe SSD Storage

Our game servers utilize the latest and fastest NVMe SSD technology available.

DDoS Protection

All game servers are protected from a range of DDoS attacks via global filtering PoPs.

Instant Setup

Your game server will be setup in seconds after payment, truly rapid.

Highly Reviewed

We are rated N/A/5 on trustpilot, making us one of the best hosting solutions.

Fast Processors

We don't have any type of contracts, always have the option to cancel whenever you want!

Support 24 / 7

Our Game servers run on our Pterocatyl Panel, built around making your lives easier.

Choose Your Service

Select your preferred game to get started with our premium hosting services.

Most Popular
Minecraft Game


Starting at $1

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated Servers

Starting at $110

Discord Bot

Discord Bot

Starting at $2.0

Global low latency network

Experience uninterrupted gaming, free from lag, whether you’re at home or on the move.

Germany Germany, Frankfurt
USA United States, Miami (soon)

Powerful Control Panel

Pterodactyl is a robust and feature-rich control panel designed to simplify the management of game servers. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to ensure smooth and efficient server operation.

  • Easy To Use
  • Plugin Installer
  • Auto Backups
  • Subdomains
  • phpMyAdmin for managing Databases
  • Edit startup command
  • Manage Players
  • Manage Server Version
  • Server Properties Editor
  • Server Splitter

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